Digital Product Designer

What does it take to make mobile apps, websites, wearable technology and digital services work? A fluid and intuitive experience. Digital product designers merge design with technology, developing digital products from concept to launch. Problem-solving tactics and emotional intelligence are the core gears they put into action, guiding this lifecycle.

Working across UX (user experience) and UI (user interface), product designers plan business strategy, conduct research and user testing and create prototypes to validate ideas. They will also provide feedback to visual or service designers and fail and learn as fast as possible to achieve the best digital product experience. This is a decision making management role for good communicators, and most often, is a progression from visual design or UX, stepping up to lead the team.

Please Note: The world of creative careers is broad and ever-evolving. While our descriptions aim to capture the essence of a role, we appreciate that no two jobs will be the same. We’re always looking to grow, expand and add to these roles, so if you feel we are missing something please let us know!

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