Posted 14 May 2019
Written by Rebecca Irvin
Interview by Indi Davies

From illustration student to assistant producer: Meet Sky Creative Agency’s Lucy Hewetson-Smith

Lucy Hewetson-Smith joined the Sky design team shortly after graduating from her degree in illustration. She quickly became interested in the production side of things, and after interning for a short while with the campaigns team, she was offered a full-time position as an assistant producer. Lucy talks to us about the daily demands of her role and how her studies provided her with the essential skill of problem solving. She also offers tips on being forthright and confident in asserting what you want, while remembering the importance of listening.

Inside Sky Creative Agency

Lucy Hewetson-Smith

Job title

Assistant Producer, Sky Creative Agency (October 2018-present)

Previous employment

Production and Marketing Intern, A+E Networks (2017)
Rotational Intern, BBC Worldwide (2016)

Place of study

BA Illustration, Edinburgh University (2018)

Personal website

How would you describe your role at Sky?
I help the campaign producers with whatever they need. This includes liaising with account managers and creative teams, organising shoots and audio and edit time for promos. Delivering the final project to wherever it needs to be.

How collaborative is your role?
My job is very collaborative because I constantly follow my producers around – I am a conduit of knowledge.

How did you land your current job?
I initially interned with the design team as a junior designer, and later asked my manager if I could help with production. I was offered a position after interning with the campaigns team for a few weeks.

The Sky campus
Inside the Sky campus

What have been your favourite projects to work on at Sky?
When I first arrived, I helped with the shoot for the new season of Britannia. I got to go behind the scenes and see the process of creating a character. Additionally, I got to explore the costume and prop department. I am now working on the Sky Store Rebrand campaign which has been a brilliant experience – I am following the whole advertising campaign process from start to finish.

Do you have any side projects?
I studied illustration, so I spend a lot of time drawing at home. This means I do commissions in my free time.

Where are you from originally and what did you want to be growing up?
I am originally from Oxfordshire, and when I was younger I wanted to work for Nintendo.

Trailer for Britannia on Sky Atlantic

Has your degree been helpful in your current work?
My degree meant I spent a lot of time problem solving, which is now useful when I get asked to do things that I don’t understand.

What are the best and worst things about working at Sky?
Because Sky deals with multiple television shows, I get to work on projects with varied genres. This allows me to observe different advertising styles. However, because Sky’s brand must cater to a wide audience, the work we make is often designed to please as many people as possible.

“Talk to everyone you meet, be aggressive about what you want.”

Inside Sky Creative Agency
Lucy at work

What skills and tools are essential to your role?
People skills and a knowledge of all delivery processes.

Do you have any career goals you can share with us?
The next step in my career would be a producer role, but I am still far from that! I would like to work on set for a television series.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to get into a similar line of work?
Talk to everyone you meet, be assertive about what you want. When you ask someone how they are, listen to their response.

Written by Rebecca Irvin
Interview by Indi Davies
Mention Sky Creative Agency
Mention Sky