Posted 24 September 2019

Take part in Google’s one-day hackathon

What if you could conduct an orchestra through your browser? Or blow bubbles with people around the world? Or even make a meme with just your voice? These are just some of the ideas that exist on the Experiments with Google platform, and this November you’re invited to create your own experiment during a one-day hackathon, for an entirely new Collection, guided by members of Google Creative Lab. Keep reading to find out more...

This is your chance to meet, learn from and be coached by members of the team at Google Creative Lab, as well as collaborate with an inspiring group of individuals within the Google space to collectively work towards creating your own experiment.

What is Experiments with Google?
Experiments with Google is a platform containing projects that push the boundaries of art, technology, design and culture. Each experiment is user-submitted, using technology in a new and interesting way, in response to themes set by the Experiments team. Experiments can range from small hacks to polished projects, and everything in between.

What’s involved on the day?
Participants will set out to solve one of the biggest challenges of our generation, using technology as the key ingredient. The theme will be revealed on the day, and will be in line with Experiments with Google’s upcoming Collection.

This hackathon is an opportunity to work together and come up with concepts and solutions that could go on to live on the platform. You’ll be researching, thinking and prototyping ideas in small groups, guided and mentored by members of the Google Creative Lab team.

Who can join?
There are 60 places available and we’re looking for a diverse group of collaborative thinkers and makers that can both conceive new ideas and build tools, whether as individuals, or as part of small teams. We know that the best projects come out of diverse thinking and collaboration, so this hackathon is open to people from a wide range of creative disciplines.

You could be a designer, coder, writer, interaction designer, UX designer, animator, art director, filmmaker, creative technologist or anything in between; and you'll need to make yourself available on Wednesday 27th November.

When and where?
From 9am to 6pm on Wednesday, 27th November, 2019, at 1-13 St Giles High Street, WC2H 8AG

How do I apply?
If you’d like to take part and are available in London on 27th November between 9am and 6pm, please apply using the below form before 1st November. Lucky applicants will be contacted before 20th November.

We hope to see you there!

See examples of previous experiments

While the hackathon will be a collaborative day for ideation and early prototyping, below are some examples of fully formed experiments.

AI Experiment: Semi-Conductor
Voice Experiments: Paper Signals
Just a Line: The first cross-platform collaborative AR app (for doodling)

Please note that participants will own the rights to their own ideas and work created on the day, and will be free to continue developing their projects beyond the session.


Google is a Lecture in Progress brand partner. Every year, Lecture in Progress partners with like-minded brands and agencies to support our initiative and keep Lecture in Progress a free resource for students and emerging creatives. To find out more about how you can work with us, email [email protected]